Why Is A Group Of Crows Called A Murder?

Carrion Crow

There are many weird and wonderful collective nouns for birds, but none is quite as sinister as the macabre murder of crows. Even ravens which, some would argue, are much more deserving of a deadly moniker get away fairly lightly with a relatively mild unkindness

To understand the origin of the different collective nouns for birds and animals we need to go back to the Middle Ages and the era of Medieval hunting. Back then, hunting for the aristocracy was more than just a sport, or a means to find food. It was an important measure of privilege and nobility, and all aspects of the hunt such as the animals to be hunted, their body parts, the stages of the chase, and the behaviour of the hounds, had different terminology.

The specialised vocabulary used in courtly hunting was known as “terms of venery”, venery being an old word for hunting from the Latin vēnor meaning “I hunt”. Knowledge of this terminology was very important to distinguish the upper-class gentlemen from the yeomen and the villains.

A babble of words

At the same time the English language was going through a massive expansion and the fashion for collectively naming hunting animals was picked up by literate classes outside of the nobility. Over the next century the practice became a phenomenon and gave us hundreds of new terms of venery including a knot of toads, a drove of donkeys, and a shrewdness of apes.

Much wit and imagination was involved in coming up with these new descriptions and a number of semantic devices such as onomatopoeias (a gaggle of geese), characteristics (a spring of teal), or appearance (a parliament of owls) were used.  Sometimes incorrect transcriptions led to corrupted forms such as a siege of herons (like bitterns, herons are found amongst the sedges and reeds of wetlands) or a school of fish (from shoal).

The Egerton Manuscript and The Book of St. Albans, both dating from the mid-1400s, list many of the terms still in use today such as a charm of goldfinches, a pride of lions, and a murder of crows. Incidentally, although goldfinches are indeed charming birds, the word charm in this case derives from the Old French word for ‘song’.

The fun of inventing collective nouns continues today; a couple of modern examples are a wunch of bankers and a book of Mormons.

A capital offence

So why a murder of crows? The most likely explanation is that the crow received its collective noun because of its behaviour as well as its perceived characteristics.

Crows are scavengers and will feed on carrion as well as take small animals, such as lambs, eggs and baby birds. Historically crows and other corvids would have been seen near battlefields, medieval hospitals, cemeteries, or the gallows waiting for a chance to pick over dead bodies. This association with death resulted in the development of superstitions and folklore around crows and other corvids.

Once such tale says that crows form tribunals or parliaments to judge and punish the bad behaviour of a member of the flock. If the verdict goes against the defendant that bird is murdered by the rest of the flock. There is probably a grain of truth in this story in that crows will occasionally kill a weak or dying crow that has encroached on their territory. But there is no evidence that crows routinely perform capital punishment on its own species.

Murder Of Crows
There are other collective nouns for crows including a horde, a hover, a mob, a parcel, a parliament, and a storytelling.

A parliament is also used to describe a group of owls, Owls have long been considered wise dating back to Ancient Greece when the goddess of wisdom Athena was often seen accompanied by an owl. There are a few theories as to why owls are perceived as wise but it’s probably due to their wide-eyed, somewhat thoughtful gaze, and their ability to see at night.

Crows were probably given the collective noun parliament due to the folk tale described above. Of course, we now know that crows are fairly intelligent birds so it could be that a Medieval linguist recognised this trait too.

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The Birds Of The Parlement Of Foules

Twack Of Ducks

Collective Nouns For Birds

Carrion Crow

Carrion Crow


12 Bird Superstitions

As for a storytelling of crows? This is a bit of an unknown but crows do tend to gather in large flocks and are known for their loud ‘caw’.  Perhaps someone observed this and decided that they weren’t so much plotting a murder but were telling stories to each other.

If you know of the origin of a storytelling of crows please let us know in the comments below – we’re dying to find out what the explanation is.

19 Responses

  1. I live in Central Florida in a golf course community. We have many crows. I have befriended a particular crow and named him Russell. He comes daily to my carport and calls (caws) to me. I step outside and he waits for me to feed him. He, and his mates, love hotdogs!! He and his clan are regulars and Russell is my buddy!!

  2. You should search the word “Venery” a bit more. It most decidedly does not mean hunting…it is an old English slang term for amorous relations…

  3. A few years ago, on my lawn, I saw a crow being violently attacked by two others, it wasn’t fighting back, so I went out to stop it. Thats when I was amazed to see that there were another 20 + crows in the surrounding trees, they went crazy at my appearance and angrily flew away. The crow being attacked scurried away under some bushes and I never saw it again.
    I’ve lived in my place for 40 years and never see more than one or two crows at a time. What could explain this “parliament”? Because it seems prearranged due to number of crows all in my garden at the same time and spread around to get the “best seats”, did they all turn up at the same time or had they been waiting in the trees for “the big fight”?

    1. I saw the same thing in my garden few years ago and I did the same as you, the bird was held by other two birds and was being hit by them. I opened the door and he had the chance to fly away

  4. My story is. The day before September 11th 2001 (911) there was a single crow on a lamp post. His caw was very loud. I thought to myself what in the world is he fussing about. My Godfather who was no relations to me, was 1/2 Blackfoot Indian. He said when they “Caw” that is a warning sign. That next day when I woke up there were 4 crows on a limb of a tree outside of my bedroom. window . When I arrived at work that is when I heard about the attack. 1st strike 2planes World Trade Center NY. Third plane Pentagon Washington DC where I live. Fourth plane Shanksville PA.. Coincidence? I think not. So now when ever I hear crows , to me they are a “Warning” of some kind. It has never failed yet.

  5. Sorry to all you crow fans, i myself was in that club until this morning.
    As i sat outside with my morning coffee the raucous coming from a “murder” of crows was so loud. When i looked there were seriously 28 of them all swooping down onto a small birds nest (i’m unable to identify that bird in my neighbours garden).
    It was a horrid site to see as they all swooped to pick at the nest, the poor parents flying around frantically. One of the parents was injured in a mid flight battle only tho become a victim itself.
    I’ve never witnessed such brutality from my own garden, it really was a sight from a horror film and one ill never be able to forget.

  6. Crows and owls are my favourite birds ( although we do have a Amazon parrot) we live facing a park ,
    There are 4 crows regularly on there think 2 of them are youngsters, as soon as I open kitchen window they fly over as they no I’m going to feed them , which I have for last 3 years , they very intelligent as saw them this morning hiding some of food in the grass and the edge of the road next to the path , very clever .????????

  7. I live in a senior community. We noticed crows eating out of the bird feeder. Usually, it’s the squirrels and chipmunks using it. I mentioned that the murder was there, and had to explain what I was referring to. I actually didn’t know what murder meant when it came to crows, but this website explained quite nicely.

  8. We had a crow. He had been hit by a car and he could not fly. I was supposed to “hand it in”, but I knew they would simply kill him and, being handicapped myself, I sympathised.

    Being a bit dishevelled, he was called Chubaka.

    He hopped very well and tended to follow me all around the house. He would even hop on me when I was having a bath and bathe himself, perched on my leg so the water was not too deep, and splashing all around.

    He was incredibly clever. When I fry small pieces of meat, I tend to leave the wooden spoon over the edge of the pan. He watched me many times. Then, one day, he took the wooden spoon in his beak and made one piece fall out of the frying pan. He waited for it to cool off before eating it.

    Yogurt for desert? Take one out for each of us and one for Chubaka. No need to open it for him, he knows how to make a hole through the top cover. Just remember to wash the table and all the surroundings after diner because he’s a messy eater.

    Whenever I went gardening, he followed me and hoped around while I was working, looking for worms and such. When we heard other crows, he listened in a very focused way, but he never answered them.

    He spent many years with us, and I think he was happy. When he passed away, we buried him in the garden and I still say “Hi Chubaka” when I walk by. I miss him so.

    1. Your lovely story made me cry this morning. Tears of both joy and sadness. How lucky you both were to have found each other and have such a special friendship. I feel for your loss.

  9. I once saw a crow on a snowy roof using a yogurt pot lid as a type of toboggan going from the apex to the gutter and flying off, picking up the lid and repeating the performance. Clever birds and a sense of fun.

  10. Tangentially relevant, but walking down to our village shop a few years ago, noticed that among the rooks sitting on the 440v electricity supply cable across the field, one was hanging head downwards. Hard to tell if it was alive or dead (presumably the perching reflex of one that died suddenly could allow it to stay hooked on to the line?). However, after a few more seconds, it suddenly dropped off and flew happily away. Could not tell whether it was chuckling as it went, but it did seem like one individual having a bit of fun.

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